
Public Invited to Online Meeting about Cancer in Dickinson County

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Iowa has the second highest rate of new cancer diagnoses in the United States, and rates are rising. Much research is now being done to determine why that is and what can be done about it. To communicate findings so far, the Iowa Cancer Registry and University of Iowa College of Public Health, in collaboration with the Iowa Cancer Consortium, University of Iowa Health Care Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center, and Iowa Rural Health Association, is hosting the Cancer in Iowa: 99 Counties Project to present county-specific cancer information and address community concerns in each of Iowa’s 99 counties.


The online meeting for Dickinson County will be held on Thursday, January 23 at 1:00 pm. Residents, public health officials, community leaders, and policy makers are encouraged to attend and participate in the discussion. Representatives from the 99 Counties Project will share the latest cancer data related to Dickinson County. Reports containing information about the rates of new cancers and cancer deaths in Dickinson County compared to the state of Iowa and the United States, as well as risk factor data from the CDC’s Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, will be presented. Those in attendance will have an opportunity to ask questions, voice concerns, and provide suggestions for improving cancer outcomes in the community.


Those interested in attending the hour-long event can register at

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