
Process Underway to Determine Community’s Health Needs

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The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was passed in 2010 and places a significant focus on community-based prevention, requiring nonprofit hospitals such as Lakes Regional Healthcare (LRH) to show that they understand and engage with their residents to identify the most pressing needs of their communities. Local public health departments are also required to assess the health needs of communities. In addition to the gathering of existing health data, a Community Health Assessment is a way to identify services needed in the community and is a vehicle to develop an implementation plan to address those needs.

To that end, LRH and Dickinson County Public Health have partnered to develop a joint Community Health Assessment and are encouraging all Dickinson County residents to take an anonymous, quick survey online at by September 30, 2024 to provide the greatest opportunity for feedback. The survey is also available in Spanish at LRH President and CEO Jason Harrington said, “The survey only takes five to 10 minutes to complete and is very important in helping us determine what our community needs are regarding healthcare services and other needs in our area. This data, in addition to health outcomes data we’ve collected, will be used to set the direction for the next couple of years regarding improving the health and well-being of the area.”

Those that don’t have access to the internet or who prefer not to do the survey online can request a paper version of the survey by calling 712-339-6050. Harrington said, “Once you’ve completed it, you can drop it off at Dickinson County Public Health, located inside the hospital.”

According to Harrington, it is important that many people in our service area are involved in this survey to identify our area’s health needs. Once the survey is completed, the results will be tabulated and opportunities for improvement, strategies, and necessary resources will be determined. Harrington said, “We plan to have a strategy determined in early 2025 with focus groups involved so we can start addressing our needs as quickly as possible.”

Those who would like more information about this process can call Lakes Regional Healthcare Director of Population and Public Health Katy Carey at 712-339-6050.

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