
Your Health, Your Choice: COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign

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person in blue scrub shirt holding a covid-19 vaccine vial

Although the local COVID-19 positivity rate is currently low, the virus is still prevalent across the entirety of the nation.

The mission of Dickinson County Public Health (DCPH) is to promote health and wellness where our people live, learn, work, and play.

DCPH is making a concerted effort to encourage all citizens of Dickinson County to get vaccinated. They are launching a “push” effort campaign which begins today. Katy Burke, Lakes Regional Healthcare Director of Population and Public Health, said, “In Dickinson County, approximately 46% of our county is vaccinated. While we are headed in the right direction, we would really like this number to be much higher. To keep moving towards herd immunity, we want to continue sharing how easy it is to get the free vaccine. There are multiple locations in our community with many options for available days and times. We are launching this effort to help keep our community healthy.”

The campaign, which is titled “Your health. Your choice. Your shot.” will kick off this week and run through the end of the summer. Dickinson County Public Health, Hy-Vee, Lewis Family Drug, and Walmart are all COVID vaccination providers. “We hope our area business partners will help spread the word about getting vaccinated. We plan to send out digital materials they can use on their social media pages as well as printed posters and fliers. We hope the larger companies in the area will also encourage their employees to get vaccinated. Spreading the word internally, within your organizations, is just as helpful to this effort,” said Burke.

Those interested in finding a location to get the COVID-19 vaccine are encouraged to visit or to call DCPH at 712-339-6050.

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