
LRH Welcomes New Year’s Baby

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New Years Baby

Congratulations to Paula Arellano and Jose Sanchez of Spirit Lake, Iowa. They are the proud parents of Jonathan Tenoch, Dickinson County’s New Year’s Baby. Jonathan was born at Lakes Regional Healthcare (LRH) on January 2 at 7:03 am weighing 6 pounds, 8 ounces and 19 inches in length.

Jose and Paula were surprised to have the New Year’s Baby since their son was born the day after New Years. Jose said, “We know it can sometimes be a competition to who has the first baby, and we didn’t know it would be us. We were okay if someone beat us but were happy it turned out to be us!”

Jonathan will be welcomed home by brother Max and sister Jessica. “We moved to Spirit Lake a year ago after living in Jackson, Minnesota for five years, and in San Diego before that,” said Jose. “This is a great place to raise a family. Even Max’s principal and teachers have asked us how the baby was – it’s nice how they remembered we were having a baby.”

The experience at LRH has been a positive one too. Jose said, “The entire process has been really smooth. It was our first time delivering here and everyone cares a lot. It’s been a better experience than we’ve had before.” Paula agreed, adding, “It’s peaceful and quiet here and the nurses are friendly, always helpful.”

LRH and St. Mary’s Catholic Church donated gifts for the first baby born in the new year, including diapers, wipes, clothing, and more. Jose said, “That was a nice surprise, too, and much appreciated!”

Two hands holding eachother


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