
County Healthcare Providers: 300 COVID Vaccine Doses

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vials of yellow liquid with labels that say covid-19. The word moderna is in the background

December 10 – Dickinson County Public Health (DCPH) received word from the Iowa Department of Public Health that 300 doses of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine will be shipped to them the week of December 21, 2020.


According to Lakes Regional Healthcare Director of Population and Public Health Katy Burke, plans are being coordinated to vaccinate the community for COVID-19. She said, “For the first shipment, the Iowa Department of Public Health is giving enough vaccine to each county to vaccinate about 30 percent of the estimated healthcare population for each county. Statewide, we are prioritizing healthcare providers that have direct patient contact, are unable to telework, who provide services to patients or patients’ family members, or who handle infectious materials.”


Burke said DCPH will begin by providing the vaccine to people, based on their priority group, around Christmas, at the Dickinson County Public Health offices on the hospital’s campus. Lakes Regional Healthcare Chief Medical Officer Jeremy Bolluyt, DO said, “The initial 300 doses will be given to healthcare providers in Dickinson County, which includes dentists, optometrists, and more – not just those at Lakes Regional Healthcare.”


Bolluyt added that he expects DCPH to receive regular shipments fairly soon after the initial 300 doses arrive. Top priority healthcare staff will be vaccinated first, followed by other healthcare staff and nursing home residents, and then the community. Nursing home staff will be vaccinated by the national pharmacy chain they have agreements with. He said, “The two pharmaceutical manufacturers of the COVID vaccine – Pfizer and Moderna – are on track to make 2.3 billion doses combined over the next year, so we hope to be able to vaccinate most of the community by this summer.”


The Moderna vaccination consists of two injections given at least 28 days apart.


Those with questions are encouraged to call Dickinson County Public Health at 712-339-6050, visit and follow Lakes Regional Healthcare on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

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