Dickinson County Public Health

Dickinson County Public Health provides important services for the county, including:

Blood Pressure Checks

Provided free of charge at the public health office by appointment by calling 712-339-6050.

Dental Screenings and Fluoride Varnishes

Children can receive dental screenings and preventive fluoride on their teeth. Oral health education is provided to parents on how to care for their child’s teeth.

Developmental Screenings

Developmental screenings focus on communication, gross and fine motor skills, problem solving and personal social behaviors with the goal of early intervention. Resources are provided to continue with age appropriate development.

Home Visits

Dickinson County Public Health can come to your home for individualized care for a number of reasons:

  • Best Care for Better Babies and Best Care for Better Children: A nurse provides one on one time with parents to increase knowledge of infant and child health and development. These visits are at no cost to you and are for those with infants to children ages 1-5 years.
  • Child Health Nursing visits: A registered nurse can come into your home to address any medical concerns or questions parents may have and can provide family support, resource information and education on a child’s development.
  • Public Health Home Visits: Public Health staff provide one on one assistance to help with home services such as medication set up and bathing.


People of all ages can get vaccines through Dickinson County Public Health by appointment or at one of their immunization clinics by appointment:

  • Tuesdays from 9:00 – 11:30 am and 1:00 – 5:30 pm for all immunizations
  • Wednesdays from 2:00 – 4:30 pm for all immunizations

To make an appointment, call 712-339-6050.

Child Safety Seat Program

Dickinson County Public Health holds annual car seat events and individual checks can be made with an appointment.

Disease Surveillance

The Iowa Disease Surveillance System enables Dickinson County Public Health and the Iowa Department of Public Health to collaborate electronically as they perform disease reporting and surveillance activities across Dickinson County.

Disaster Preparedness

Dickinson County Public Health assists with disaster plans and response.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 712-339-6050.

Dickinson County Resource Guide